Ice meteoroid darkorbit
Ice meteoroid darkorbit

ice meteoroid darkorbit

Currently, we know the following frozen aliens: -x- Frozen Icy -x-x- Frozen Kristallin -x-x- Frozen Kristallon -x-x- Frozen Boss Kristallin -x-x- Frozen Boss Kristallon -x.

ice meteoroid darkorbit

Most of them appear only in the Frozen Labyrinth, they have been introduced by the Frozen Labyrinth event and they will drop 1-2 FLK. Dac doreti s participi activ la discuiile purtate, ai întrebri sau vrei s deschizi alte teme, este necesar s te conectezi în continuare în joc. The Frozen Aliens are the frozen versions of previously known aliens.


N1 know where can i download the private server program? wanna try it in local network. Discuie în Discuii despre joc / Feedback creat de alexleonov. The Ice Meteoroid is a mothership that resembles a much bigger and darker Kristallon, but the Ice Meteoroid are indeed more stronger. Is there a private server program i can download? I find very long d still can find it sad.


Pro plz tell me where the hack program download from T_T Ice Meteoroid: 1: Super Ice Meteoroid: 1: Ödüller Kolay Versiyon. Ana Sayfa Forumlar > Yardm > Etkinliklerle lgili S.S.S. Esse evento ice meteoroid tipo pra sempre tipo spaceball NicolasWin, 28 Janeiro 2015 1. Souk Dalga SSS ATTACH Souk Dalga nedir Souk Dalga, Darkorbit 2014 k etkinliidir.Web tabanl ve etkinlik takvime göre oyun içi zorlu. Hello everyone does anyone know where to get the server files to set up a private server for eo game Fruns > Arquivo > Arquivo de temas restantes >. Hi ich wolte ma fragen ob man auch mit anderen programen auser winrar das runter laden kan wen ja kan mir jemand ein link mit so einem program geben thx im vorraus Oleadas de la puerta galctica COLD WAVE Oleada 1 (2) Ice Meteoroid (20) Icy Oleada 2 (2) Ice Meteoroid (1) Super Icy. Dekaron Exploits, Hacks, Bots, Tools & Macros - 1 Replies It also spawns in Eternal Blacklight Gate.Īs always, if you have Diminisher or Venom design, you will have to lock the Ice Meteoroid before you can use your Shield Leech or Singularity on it.Fix issue with 3rd party program running Ice meteoroid spawned also in the 11 december 2014 gate.

ice meteoroid darkorbit

Ice meteoroids appear in every map (including Super Ice Meteoroid) excluding the X-1 and X-2 maps and possibly the 4-X excluding 4-4 and 4-5 where Super Ice Meteoroids spawn. But if you happened to miss this pop up, you can ask your company members on where it currently is. When an Ice Meteoroid appears, a warning will pop up saying which map it is currently on. It is also shown in the Breech Gate that Ice Meteoroids do shoot red lasers just like the Icys. This mothership can be compared to the Cubikon and its Protegits, it attacks the person that first shot on it and when engaged by numerous players, its rewards are shared. It also spawns in Eternal Blacklight Gate.

ice meteoroid darkorbit

Ice meteoroid spawned also in the 11 december 2014 gate. DETAILS DESTROY REWARD RESOURCES Hitpoints: 3.200.000 2.000.000 Experience Points 8.000 Honor Points 6.553.600 3.600 2.400 Prometium 2.400 Terbium 2.400 Endurium 1.024 Prometid 1.024 Duranium 128 Promerium 512 Xenomit Shield: 2.400.000 Max Damage: 5. Once fired upon, the Ice Meteoroid sends out aliens called Icys, which shoot around 24k per shot in total. Ice Meteoroid - DarkOrbitWiki Ice Meteoroid Ice meteoroids appear in every map (including Super Ice Meteoroid) excluding the X-1 and X-2 maps and possibly the 4-X excluding 4-4 and 4-5 where Super Ice Meteoroids spawn. The Ice Meteoroid is a mothership that resembles a much bigger and darker Kristallon, but the Ice Meteoroid are indeed stronger. Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BM916.


DarkOrbit Reloaded Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Home Forums > Archive > General Archive > Event missions and poor timing on ICE-Meteoroid. Do you like this video Play Sound Super Ice Meteoroid. Releases Icys that defend the Ice Meteoroid when it is attacked. Super Ice Meteoroid View source History Talk (0) watch 01:54. Like the Cubikon, this alien does not have an attack of it's own and it splits the rewards between everyone who shot the Ice Meteoroid when it is killed.

Ice meteoroid darkorbit